to Apr 18


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The next Vitality Program starts on March 4th!

If you'd like to gain confidence, strength, improve your balance and cardiovascular health, increase functional fitness, workout with a great group of people and so much more you can register here!

There will be a morning session and an afternoon session option. Note in the registration which session you prefer. Mornings will be Monday and Wednesday 10:15 to 11:00 and afternoons will be Monday at 3:30-4:15 and Thursday 4:15 to 5:00. There is also a once a week option. We will start March 4th and end on April 18th.

There are limited spots for each session so grab them while they're hot!

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to Mar 25

The 2019 Intramural Open!

Each year CrossFit Headquarters hosts an online, global 5 week event called The CrossFit Open. For 5 weeks, starting Thursday February 21, a workout will be released.  All athletes have until the following Monday evening to complete and enter their score.

While the 5 weeks is used by the CrossFit Games to identify and eventually crown the fittest man, woman, and team on Earth, it’s an amazing opportunity for all of us.

For us the Open is all about having fun.

The competition side of it isn’t about finding out how you can exercise against the 400,000+ other people worldwide who participate. It is to help the you and the other CFCL athletes  to push to new levels in fitness and accomplish things you’ve been working on and weren’t so sure you could do. The competitive side helps do that.

More so, it’s about community and a way for you to be part of it. Fitness is what we do here, but community is what we build. You can show up and get better at thrusters and pull-ups on your own but it’s much more fun to have people cheer for you, encourage and help you accomplish things you never thought you could and for you to do the same for others all while getting tons of high fives, fist bumps and warm and fuzzy feelings from the CFCL community.

ALL skill levels can participate…there are Rx, Scaled, Teens, and even Masters (50+) versions of the workouts.

How we do it.

The Intramural Open will consist of teams. Those teams will be awarded points throughout the open based on participation, success and most importantly spirit on any given week.

How are teams made?

All those signed up for the Open will be randomly put into teams.

All Teams will have a captain.

During the 5 week competition, your team earns a point each week for every single team member that simply posts a score. This means the larger the team – the larger the potential point total.

So how do you grow your team? You recruit them.

You have from Team Announcement Day until the Thursday the open begins (Feb 21) to bribe and beg anyone that is a member at either gym to be part of your team.  (We will start each team with a player cap though and raise it as all teams fill.)

How does scoring work?

Each week, teams accumulate points in a few ways:

  1. They earn 1 point for every athlete that enters their score

  2. They earn 2 points for coming to the specific event day to do the workout

  3. They earn 3 points for every athlete that places in the top 3 of their division : Rx or Scaled

  4. They earn 5 points if their team wins the weekly spirit award

At the end of the 5 weeks, scores are totaled and the team with the largest score wins!

If you enter your score and help your team win the weekly spirit award you’re getting points for your team!
You don’t have to worry about not being the fittest or holding your team back, it won't happen! Your score for the workout doesn’t have anything to do with the score you get for your team.

Weekly Event Day

Each week we’ll have a day that we’re designating as the event day. That’s when team spirit awards will be won!

This year we are mixing up the events.

  • Week 1 – Thursday, February 21 – Thursday Throwdown – 8:00PM – as soon as the WOD is announced we will do it! We will have a couple of coaches and members go head to head and stream it live on FB!

  • Week 2 – Saturday, March 2 – At Every Class – we will crush 19.2 and then crush brunch afterwards even harder!

  • Week 3 – Saturday, March 9 – At Every Class

  • Week 4 – Saturday, March 16 - At Every Class

  • Week 5 – Friday, March 23 – Friday Night Lights ~6PM and party to follow

Do I have to come to all the events?


We of course highly encourage you to be there, but we realize your lives are filled with so many things.

If you can’t make it, no big deal. You can complete it on your own on Sunday at any class or Monday. You’ll need to provide your own judge and the best time is outside of class time. Allowance to do it during class time will be up to the coaches discretion. Coaches may say “No” if equipment/space/safety issue.

But why would I complete if I won’t “win”?

There are so many reasons.

  1. It’s fun…no really, it is. During these 5 weeks there is an energy in the gym that is hard to replicate the remainder of the year. When we get together for Friday Night Lights. 50+ people take turns giving it their all and then cheering on everyone else afterwards. The music is pumping, sweat is dripping, and cheers are flowing.

  2. You will surprise yourself. I’ve seen people that struggle with single unders get their first double under. I’ve seen PRs on squats, presses, box jumps, and muscle ups. Most importantly, I see just about everyone say – “I can’t believe I just did that.”

  3. It’s a benchmark for where YOU are. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter one bit where you finish vs. everyone else. It matters what your scores are today vs. your scores tomorrow. One of my favorite moments is repeating workouts from the previous year. I get to see athletes that are one more year into their fitness journey smash their old scores. They are always overcome with pride and renewed motivation to keep going. Had they not done the open – they would miss that experience.

There will be more details, times, and dates to come, but in the meantime just sign up and get ready for an amazing time!

How do I sign up?

Simple – click here to add your name to the CFCL Intramural Opens.

Then click here to register your name on the CrossFit Games website. That’s where you’ll submit your scores weekly - which will let us know to give you a point! The cost is $20 and goes to CrossFit Headquarters. Trust us – it’ll be well worth it for the 5 weeks.

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1:30 PM13:30

Gymnastics Clinics


Come learn from a former Division 1 collegiate gymnastics who competed at the 2017 CrossFit Games! We will go over how to properly warm up for these movements and associated mobility/flexibilty. We will cover how to get better, more efficient movement and also how to get stronger for WODs. All skill levels concerning these movements are welcome! Beginners all the way to someone looking to refine their movements are encouraged to sign up.

Session 1 - Handstands and Pull-ups

Time: 10AM-1130AM

Cost: 40/Athlete

The Details: Come practice your handstand positioning and pull up skills! If you are looking to get more comfortable in a handstand and being upside down, get your first pull up or progress to butterfly pull ups, this session is for you!

Session 2 - Handstand Pushups and Ring Muscle Ups

Time: Noon-130PM

Cost: 40/Athlete

The Details: Come practice your handstand push ups and ring muscles ups (or work towards your firsts!)!

Each of these sessions will incorporate warm up, mobility and flexibility specific to these movements, efficiency and strength training. All levels are welcome!

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The Athlete's System - Round 3
to Mar 1

The Athlete's System - Round 3

We believe in providing our athletes with a program that is going to give them lasting results. The Athlete's System is a 90-day coaching, accountability, and support experience that has the potential to change your life. You'll learn to take control of how you eat to improve body composition and performance, while still eating the food you love.

Nothing compares to surrounding ourselves with people who share our goals--that's why we love CrossFit! It inspires us to continue to strive when we share the struggle with others. This is a group program, so you'll be learning with and supported by a team of fellow athletes who share your goals and dedication. 

  • 3 InBody Scans - Before, at 6 Weeks, and After

  • Personalized macro goals every week. 

  • Self-tracking, eat the food you love. 

  • Facebook group to ask questions and seek out advice and resources from coaches and fellow athletes.

The results speak for themselves:


At The Athlete's System Kick Off on Saturday, December 1st, we teach you why the system works and how it will work for your specific goals.

When: Saturday, December 1st - Friday, March 1st
Cost: $99/month for 3 months. 

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8:00 AM08:00

Thanksgiving Day MURPH!


It’s that time of year again!

Join us for our biggest annual WOD tradition—Thanksgiving Day Murph!

Murph is a very special workout for CrossFitters. Check out this article to learn the heroic story and why we do Murph every year.


For Time:
1 mile run
100 pullups
200 pushups
300 air squats
1 mile run

We will modify volume and movements as needed—this is a FUN workout for EVERYONE! Come to the gym to get some fitness before you feast!

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Charity Row-A-Thon!
12:00 PM12:00

Charity Row-A-Thon!

Help support an amazing organization that strives to give every homeless child in Massachusetts an opportunity to learn, play and thrive and a local community that was struck with tragedy. 
Total fundraising will be split between the two organizations. 


Saturday September 22nd, 12 PM - 4 PM

16 rowers, each set to 16,000 Meters (the number of homeless children under 5 in Massachusetts.) 
The rowers will count down in distance.
We'll try to bring each rower down to 0 meters. 

Sign up and Fundraising 

  1. Sign up on the Google Sheet. Time slots are estimates. You do not need to stay for the entire time and can row as little or as much as you want. 
  2. You'll receive an invitation to our GoFundMe team. Accept the invitation. 
  3. Share the campaign to get donations! A leaderboard will display the donations made towards your team! 
    Here are a couple articles on the Team Fundraising option:

At 2 PM we'll raffle prizes from our sponsors! 

Click below for more info about how your donations will help Horizons for Homeless Children, and CrossFit Arsenal. 

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7:00 AM07:00

Walden Pond WOD


Join Coach Rachel for a special CFCL field trip--a swim WOD at Walden Pond! 

When: Saturday, August 18th, 7 AM - 8:30 AM
Where: Walden Pond

We'll start with a beach warmup, then progress through learning and reviewing proper technique in freestyle, and we'll finish with a swim WOD!

*Recitation of Henry David Thoreau is encouraged, but not required.

Before CrossFit, Rachel was a competitive swim coach and aquatics director for a company based in Boston. Her specialty was (and continues to be) coaching great technique for competitive efficiency, power generation, and injury prevention. 

Sign up at the front desk!!! 

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11:00 AM11:00

CrossFit Games Viewing Party

Join us to watch the best of the best--The CrossFit Games! 

Elite athletes throw down in Madison, WI from Wednesday, August 1st to Sunday, August 5th in a variety of events that test every aspect of fitness!

We'll have fun trying out a modified version of one of the workouts and we'll have The Games on the TVs in the back to kick back and watch with some food and drinks!

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10:00 AM10:00

Olympic Lifting Clinic!


The worlds fastest lifts! 

Also some of the most fun and rewarding lifts, the Snatch and Clean and Jerk are movements that we love and all know that practice goes a long way. 

Join us for a free Olympic lifting clinic to spend some quality time with these lifts under the watchful eye of Coach Eddie! 

Here are the details: 

Who: Open to all levels, novice to advanced. CFCL members only. 
When: Sunday June 24, 10 AM - 11:15
What: Fine tune your abilities and build comfort with the Snatch and Clean and Jerk. 
Cost: FREE!

Sign up on the front desk! 20 people, maximum! 

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to Jun 16

Strongman Class Series

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20 (2).jpg

Strongman is the sport of moving weight!

Due to popular demand, Coach Fafa will be running a Strongman Class series on Saturdays for 4 weeks!

Limited to 15 athletes, this class will pull and push sleds, throw sandbags and Dballs around, flip tires, and carry a lot of heavy stuff, all in the name of getting stronger and having fun!

When: Four Saturdays, starting May 26 from 12-1:30 PM
Where: CFCL
Cost: $49

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12:00 PM12:00

Strongman Clinic #2!


One of the best parts about CrossFit is that the workout is always different. Using different equipment is one of the ways we keep workouts fun and keep our bodies guessing! There’s some other equipment that we have at CFCL that we don’t use all that often.

Sandbags, D-Balls (the big plastic ball shaped, sand filled ones near the squat racks), tires, and sleds (which are used for so much more than just pushing!). This equipment is also used in Strongman training. Strongman is the sport of moving weight, in all different forms of equipment, for distance, speed and load and it’s a ton of fun! 

Join us Saturday May 12th for the 2nd free strongman clinic! We’ll teach you how to do the movements, do a fun workout and you’ll get to try something fun and new! 

When: Saturday May 12th, 12 PM - 1:30ish
Where: CFCL
Who: You! 
Cost: Free!
RSVP?: Yes, please write your name on sign up on the front desk!
Do the Saturday AM class WOD?: No! The clinic will be a big workout! 

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The Athlete's System - Round Two
to Jul 13

The Athlete's System - Round Two

We believe in providing our athletes with a program that is going to give them lasting results. The Athlete's System is a 90-day coaching, accountability, and support experience that has the potential to change your life. You'll learn to take control of how you eat to improve body composition and performance, while still eating the food you love.

Nothing compares to surrounding ourselves with people who share our goals--that's why we love CrossFit! It inspires us to continue to strive when we share the struggle with others. This is a group program, so you'll be learning with and supported by a team of fellow athletes who share your goals and dedication. 

  • 3 InBody Scans - Before, at 6 Weeks, and After
  • Personalized macro goals every week. 
  • Self-tracking, eat the food you love. 
  • Facebook group to ask questions and seek out advice and resources from coaches and fellow athletes.

Last round's results speak for themselves:


At The Athlete's System Kick Off on Saturday, April 14th, we teach you why the system works and how it will work for your specific goals.

When: Saturday, April 14th - Friday, July 13th
Cost: $99/month for 3 months. 

Earn your money back! Athletes who sign up for The Athlete's System will receive their money back for each month they are compliant! This means that the athlete meets their macro goals within 5 grams every day of the month, with two days as "cheat days," where the athlete meets their macro goals within 20 gram on those two days. 

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Pose Running Clinic
12:00 PM12:00

Pose Running Clinic

CrossFit City Line is excited to host a very special Pose Running Clinic led by Coach RIch Borgatti!

Did you know that nearly 80% of all runners experience an injury at some point in their career? 

Do you "hate running?"

Chances are that if you have been injured running (IT band syndrome, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, etc), or "hate running," it is caused by running incorrectly. Attend this clinic to learn the Pose Method of running with an exceptional coach and learn how you can:

-seek out weak points,
-improve technique to become faster, and
-limit injuries.


Rich is the owner of Mountain Strength CrossFit in Winchester, MA. He was a high school cross-country and track athlete, discovering CrossFit online back in 2007 and joining CrossFit Boston in 2008. With a coaching specialty in obstacle course and endurance training, Rich works with athletes remotely and on-site on pose running technique, strength-building for runners, and obstacle course racing. He has written for the CrossFit Journal and the 321GoProject, is a contributor to Spartan Life, and is a mentor for CrossFit box owners through the Help First project.

Cost: $40 per athlete

Spots are limited to 14! Register now to improve your running technique, limit risk of injury, and learn to love running!

Please note that there will be no refunds issued for this clinic. 

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10:00 AM10:00

Handstand Pushup and Handstand Walking Clinic with Coach Cassi and Coach Rachel


Let's flip things upside down! We are excited to bring you a handstand push-up and handstand walking clinic! 

Coach Cassi (USGA Level 8 Gymnast) and Coach Rachel (CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer) will coach a group of 20 athletes through progressions and drills to master the handstand push-up and handstand walking.

With a focus on midline stability, shoulder stability, and proper technique, you'll learn how to continue progressing in strength and in skill. This clinic will give athletes:

-drills and progressions to master the movements and build requisite strength,
-the coaching and knowledge to self-assess their movement, and
-four weeks of accessory programming to follow with the intent of improving in preparation for the Opens.

Pre-Requisites: Must be able to kick up onto the wall without assistance. 
Cost: $60

Limited to 20 athletes. 

Please be aware that there are no refunds for the clinic.

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Barbell Betty's is back!
to Feb 7

Barbell Betty's is back!

Barbell Betty's is back!

For 5 weeks, starting January 8th, Coach Cassi will lead a lucky group of women on a journey through the world of weightlifting.  They'll squat.  They'll lunge.  They'll press.  They'll sweat.  They'll use chalk.  They'll get STRONGer!

This small group meets 2x/week (for 5 weeks) on Mondays and Wednesday from 8-9PM.  On both days Betty's will lift and on one day they'll also do some fun conditioning.  This time around there will be 1 additional workout programmed to be completed At Home (no equipment necessary). Betty's CAN be mixed with regular CrossFit WODs and is open to members and non-members.

To sign up and claim your space click below to register. 

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Olympic Lifting Seminar with Coach Jon Gilson
10:00 AM10:00

Olympic Lifting Seminar with Coach Jon Gilson


You asked and we listened! We're excited about our next movement seminar, Olympic Lifting! 

Jon Gilson (Former USA Weightlifting Club Coach, Former CFHQ Seminar Staff, Founder of Again Faster Equipment, and current CFCL Coach) will take a group of 15 athletes through the Clean & Jerk and the Snatch, with the objective of measurably improving your lifting abilities.

Focusing on correct positioning and technique, you’ll learn to maximize your lifts through attention to mobility, body control, and maximal explosiveness.

Session includes:

  • Mobility for Olympic Lifting
  • Technique sessions and individual coaching on both Olympic Lifts
  • A post-Seminar 6-week Oly program to complement your daily CrossFit
  • A bonus “PR attack” session with Jon as your guide

Athletes should be familiar with the Clean, Jerk, and Snatch, and have at least 1 year of CrossFit experience prior to enrolling in the course. A maximum enrollment of 15 athletes will be kept in order to ensure ample coaching time for each participant, and spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Due to the limited nature of the Seminar, no refunds will be given.

When: Sunday, December 17th — 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: CrossFit City Line
Cost: $79 per person (limited to 15 athletes)

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6:30 PM18:30

Annual Holiday Party!


One of our FAVORITE annual celebrations! This party is not to be missed!

We'll provide the main courses. Feel free to bring a +1 and a dessert or side to share! It's BYOB, and we want to see you all there! 

Adults only, please. As always, parking will be at a premium, so carpooling is encouraged! 

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6:30 PM18:30



Join us for our annual Thanksgiving tradition: Friends-giving!
CFCL will supply the entrees, you bring the rest! 

RSVP at the sign-up sheet at the desk and circle whether you're bringing a side dish, a veggie, or a dessert. Adults only please. As always, parking will be at a premium, so carpooling is encouraged! 

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10:00 AM10:00

The Athlete's System


We believe in providing our athletes with a program that is going to give them lasting results. The Athlete's System is a 90-day coaching, accountability, and support experience that has the potential to change your life. You'll learn to take control of how you eat to improve body composition and performance, while still eating the food you love.

Nothing compares to surrounding ourselves with people who share our goals--that's why we love CrossFit! It inspires us to continue to strive when we share the struggle with others. This is a group program, so you'll be learning with and supported by a team of fellow athletes who share your goals and dedication. 

  • 3 InBody Scans - Before, at 6 Weeks, and After
  • Personalized macro goals every week. 
  • Self-tracking, eat the food you love. 
  • Weekly check-ins with coaches to keep you on track.
  • Facebook group to ask questions and seek out advice and resources from coaches and fellow athletes.

At The Athlete's System Kick Off on Sunday, November 5th, we teach you why the system works and how it will work for your specific goals. 

Why now?

Because one of the things we all struggle with is staying on track during the holidays. If you're concerned about losing your progress over the holiday season, this program will give you the accountability, knowledge, and support you need. 

We will teach you how to enjoy the holidays without tanking your progress.

When: Sunday, November 5th - Saturday, February 3rd. 
Cost: $99/month for 3 months. 

Registration closes on Saturday, October 28th. 

Earn your money back! Athletes who sign up for The Athlete's System will receive their money back for each month they are compliant! This means that the athlete meets their macro goals within 5 grams every day of the month, with two days as "cheat days," where the athlete meets their macro goals within 20 gram on those two days. 

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10:00 AM10:00

Pull-up and Toes to Bar Clinic


Everyone is capable of doing pull-ups and toes to bar. So why do we have so much trouble nailing down these gymnastics skills in classes? 

Each athlete has a unique set of strengths and weaknesses in:

-muscle activation, and

that contribute to these complex gymnastics skills. It not only takes a coach to see these deficiencies and strengths, it also takes dedicated effort over at least 6 weeks to make improvements on them. 

Join Coach Rachel, a CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer, for this two-hour clinic covering both strict and dynamic movement in pull-ups and toes-to-bar. You'll learn and practice drills and skills in a small group and following the clinic, you'll receive accessory programming written to meet your unique needs and goals to follow for 6-weeks. 

When: Sunday, October 29th from 10 AM - 12 PM
Cost: $40

Whether you are working towards getting your first strict pull-up or you want to learn how to string together toes to bar and pull-ups in bigger sets and more efficiently, this clinic is for you! 

*Limited to 10 athletes.*

The Pull-up and Toes to Bar Clinic is full!
If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please email Coach Rachel at

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to Oct 30

Barbell Betty's!

Barbell Betty's is back!

For 5 weeks, starting September 25, Coach Cassi will lead a lucky group of women on a journey through the world of weightlifting.  They'll squat.  They'll lunge.  They'll press.  They'll sweat.  They'll use chalk.  They'll get STRONGer!

This small group will meet 2x/week (for 5 weeks) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8-9PM.  On both days Betty's will lift and on one day they'll also do some fun conditioning.  Betty's CAN be mixed with regular CrossFit WODs and is open to CFCL members and non-members. This time around Betty's will also include a third day of workouts and accessory work to be completed at home (no equipment required)!

To sign up for this session of Betty's please register through this link.

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8:30 AM08:30

Anniversary Internal Team Throwdown

Want to have fun with the crew at CrossFit City Line? Celebrate our 6 Year anniversary with us! This event is for EVERY member at CrossFit City Line, whether you have been CrossFitting for one week or one decade!

Here's how it works:

1) You sign up.
2) We assign you two partners so that you're a team of 3 with 1 beginner athlete, 1 intermediate athlete, and 1 advanced athlete.
3) You come to the Internal Team Throwdown and have fun working out with your friends!

We'll have 3 awesome events for you to perform as a team and food after. BYOB!

When: Saturday, September 9 from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM -- Food after!!! 
Who: Everyone! 

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to Mar 24

2017 Intramural Opens

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'We Donut Lose' -2017 Intramural Open Champions

'We Donut Lose' -2017 Intramural Open Champions

The CrossFit Open is back! Once a year we, the CrossFit community, gather together to test our fitness on 5 workouts over 5 weeks. Here at CrossFit City Line we will be celebrating our 2nd annual Intramural Opens! 4 teams duke it out to earn the title "Intramural Opens Champion"

This year we will have all new teams, with all new captains! Sign up Now!

What do I have to do?
Step 1: Register for the CrossFit Open on
Step 2: Register for the CFCL Intramural Open HERE by February 12th
Step 3: Attend 'Friday Night Lights' every Friday night 2/24-3/24 to throw down and earn points for your team!

Official Scoring system TBA

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5:00 PM17:00

Paleo Challenge Results!

Sunday marked the final day our our month long Paleo Challenge! 45 dedicated participants said NO to bread, pasta, cereal, dairy, sugar and processed foods for 4 weeks. In the end, three individuals went above and beyond and gave this challenge everything they had in an effort to improve their health and fitness. Final scores have been tallied aaaaand *******drumroll********

1st Place
Leslie Leblanc
(712 Points)

2nd Place
Rene Canezin
(680 Points)

3rd Place
Sarah Pokorny
(676 Points)

Congratulations to our top 3 challenge participants! Pick up your prizes at the front desk the next time you're in the gym!

What's next?
Once you've fully embraced the idea of dialing in your nutrition, the first step should always be focusing on quality foods. After a solid month of eating real food, I'm hoping you feel great. The next thing to do is to dial in exactly how much food we should be eating. With the help of our inBody scanner as well as 1 on 1 nutrition coaching with your coaches at CFCL, we can get you set on the perfect plan for you and your goals to continue making progress. Reach out to your favorite coach today to set up a consultation!

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