Barbell Betty's is back!
For 5 weeks, starting September 25, Coach Cassi will lead a lucky group of women on a journey through the world of weightlifting. They'll squat. They'll lunge. They'll press. They'll sweat. They'll use chalk. They'll get STRONGer!
This small group will meet 2x/week (for 5 weeks) on Mondays and Wednesdays from 8-9PM. On both days Betty's will lift and on one day they'll also do some fun conditioning. Betty's CAN be mixed with regular CrossFit WODs and is open to CFCL members and non-members. This time around Betty's will also include a third day of workouts and accessory work to be completed at home (no equipment required)!
To sign up for this session of Betty's please register through this link.