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Nutrition & Body Composition
Do you want to change your nutrition habits but aren’t sure where to start? Our one-month and three-month nutrition coaching programs are for you!
Here’s how they work: A CrossFit coach will help you identify which nutrition plan is best for YOU to reach YOUR goals -- we have expertise in Macros, Flexible Dieting, Whole 30, Paleo, and Zone. Your plan will be based on your preferences and daily routine, and our coaches will work with you weekly to make sure you’re on the path to success.
Ready to get started? Read on and check out our FAQs.
1 Month Commitment
The beginning of your nutrition journey | 4 week accountability program: $189/month
A 45-minute initial consultation to kick off:
A custom nutrition plan
An InBody scan to measure your body composition (What is this?) [link to FAQ]
A customized daily food log to help you with tracking and accountability
Weekly review and feedback from your Nutrition coach on your food log
A 30-minute end-of-program consultation that provides you with:
An InBody scan to compare your results to your initial consultation
Customized recommendations based on in-body comparison (e.g. lose body fat, build muscle, maintain progress)
Discuss next steps (e.g. plan for checking in with your coach, strategies for managing your nutrition plan on your own, etc.)
Nutrition Check-In: $89
In need of a nutrition reset and some fine-tuning to your plan? Schedule a check-in meeting with your Nutrition coach.
A 45-minute consultation
1 InBody Scan
A food log review
A macro reset or other personal nutrition plan recommendation
Interested in this option? Click here to get started.
Macro Reset: $60
In need of a updated macro numbers after joining us for your journey? Schedule a reset meeting with your Nutrition coach.
A 30-minute consultation
1 InBody Scan
A macro reset
Interested in this option? Click here to get started.
Body Composition Analysis: $25
Go beyond the scale! Using the InBody 270, you can get a holistic view of your body composition with measures like body fat percentage, lean body mass, and resting metabolic rate -- i.e.how many calories you burn in a day. These measures will help you focus on what’s important to sustain long term health: burning fat and developing lean, strong, and healthy muscle.
The scan is simple. Stand on the measurement pads, hold the handles and 15 seconds later you’ll have your breakdown. No bathing suits, water systems, or body pinching.
1 InBody Scan
A 15-minute review with a nutrition coach
Interested in this option? Click here to get started.