CrossFit City Line is excited to host a very special Pose Running Clinic led by Coach RIch Borgatti!
Did you know that nearly 80% of all runners experience an injury at some point in their career?
Do you "hate running?"
Chances are that if you have been injured running (IT band syndrome, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, etc), or "hate running," it is caused by running incorrectly. Attend this clinic to learn the Pose Method of running with an exceptional coach and learn how you can:
-seek out weak points,
-improve technique to become faster, and
-limit injuries.
Rich is the owner of Mountain Strength CrossFit in Winchester, MA. He was a high school cross-country and track athlete, discovering CrossFit online back in 2007 and joining CrossFit Boston in 2008. With a coaching specialty in obstacle course and endurance training, Rich works with athletes remotely and on-site on pose running technique, strength-building for runners, and obstacle course racing. He has written for the CrossFit Journal and the 321GoProject, is a contributor to Spartan Life, and is a mentor for CrossFit box owners through the Help First project.
Cost: $40 per athlete
Spots are limited to 14! Register now to improve your running technique, limit risk of injury, and learn to love running!
Please note that there will be no refunds issued for this clinic.