Sunday marked the final day our our month long Paleo Challenge! 45 dedicated participants said NO to bread, pasta, cereal, dairy, sugar and processed foods for 4 weeks. In the end, three individuals went above and beyond and gave this challenge everything they had in an effort to improve their health and fitness. Final scores have been tallied aaaaand *******drumroll********
1st Place
Leslie Leblanc
(712 Points)
2nd Place
Rene Canezin
(680 Points)
3rd Place
Sarah Pokorny
(676 Points)
Congratulations to our top 3 challenge participants! Pick up your prizes at the front desk the next time you're in the gym!
What's next?
Once you've fully embraced the idea of dialing in your nutrition, the first step should always be focusing on quality foods. After a solid month of eating real food, I'm hoping you feel great. The next thing to do is to dial in exactly how much food we should be eating. With the help of our inBody scanner as well as 1 on 1 nutrition coaching with your coaches at CFCL, we can get you set on the perfect plan for you and your goals to continue making progress. Reach out to your favorite coach today to set up a consultation!