Friday, June 15 2018
10 Sets
1 Clean Pull
1 Hang Squat Clean
Rest 1 Minute between sets
Tempo Front Squat
6 x 3
3 second descent
1 Second Pause
3 second ascent
1 second Pause
@70-80% of 5 Rep Max Front Squat from Monday 060418
For Time:
Toes to Bar
If you're able to do 15+ in a row, complete 50 for time.
If you're able to do 8-14 in a row compelte 35 for time.
If you're able to do 4-8 in a row complete 20 for time
Or complete EMOTM 10
3 Toes to Bar or Attempts, must be consecutive attempts.
Pull-Up Program, Week 2 Day 3
Pulling Prep
4 Sets
5-10 Reps
Reverse Row Sit Backs
4 sets
6-8 Reps
Negatives (Hyperlink:
8 Sets of 2
Jump to hold then lower as slow as possible, keeping shoulders down.
Perform on the rings, not bar