Saturday, February 24 2018
Strength Focus
1 Power Clean + 2 Front Squats + 1 Squat Clean
Start at 60% and ascend over the course of 3 sets to 70-75%% and complete 3 more sets.
Gymnastics Focus
4 Rounds
10 Box Jumps (30"/24")
50' Handstand Walk
15 Hip Extensions
*Modify HS Walk to 25' or 5 Kick Ups with a few hand walk steps forward and into a HS hold on the wall, or 1 Box Around The World - both directions.
Crash B's Focus
5 Minute Warm Up Row focusing on technique
Do the Pick Drill
5 Minute Easy Steady State Row @ 22 Strokes/minute
4 Minutes Easy @ 24 S/M
3 Minutes Moderate (Planned 2k Pace +12 seconds @ 26 S/M
2 Minutes Faster @ 2k Pace + 6 seconds
1 Minute @ 2k pace -3 seconds
Let heart rate come down to almost recovered between sets.