Wednesday, January 31 2018
Strength Focus
Power Clean and Jerks (135/95 lbs)
Front Squats
Squat Clean Thruster
Rest 2 Minutes inbetween rounds.
Round of 15: 95/65 lbs
Round of 12: 135/95 lbs
Round of 9: 165/110 lbs
Gymnastics Focus
3 Rounds - Do not do this for time.
12 Reverse Hypers
3 Wall Climbs + 60 sec hold on last one
10 Cossack Squats (5 each side)
*Hold onto a low ring or squat rack for assistance if needed. Go as low as comfortable, don't push for ATG (Ass to Grass!)
Crash B's Focus
2 x 3k
Set 1: 24-26 Strokes/Minute
Set 2: 26-28 Strokes/Minute
Rest 5 minutes between sets
*Row these at your goal 2k pace + 12-15 seconds/500M split