Friday, February 2 2018
Strength Focus
Box Squat
Every 30 seconds for 5 minutes
2 Reps @ 55%
Controlled descent, stand up FAST
Speed Deadlift
8 x 1 @ 70%
Dumbbell Death March
3 x 20 steps (10/side)
3 x 30/side Standing Dumbbell Side Crunches
Gymnastics Focus
9 Deficit Strict Handstand Push Ups (4"/2")
15 Strict HSPU
21 Kipping HSPU
Rest 45-90 seconds between sets
3 x 30/side Standing Dumbbell Side Crunches
Crash B's Focus
**Warm up for ten minutes focusing on the stroke structure
(Include this drill:
What is your fastest 500 M Row?
What speed do you want to row your Crash B 2k at?
How fast is that per 500 M?
Take that split time, add 2-5 seconds.
6 x 500 M Row at that speed.
Rest 1 Min between