Saturday, December 30 2017
Strength Focus
Barbell Cycling
Snatch - For Time
21 Reps @ 95/65
15 Reps @ 115/75
9 Reps @ 135/95
Speed Bench Press
Every 45 seconds for 9 sets
3 Reps @55% of 1 RM
Alternate rounds between wide grip, normal grip and close grip - 3 of each position.
Dumbbell Row
4 x 8
- Place non-rowing hand on a bench for stability. Go heavy.
Banded Tricep Pull Downs
100 Reps
Gymnastics Focus
Unbroken Sets of 3 Muscle Ups
If unable to do consecutive reps, do
AMRAP 5, Muscle Ups
and 7 rounds of
1 Muscle Up + 1 Tempo Swing (do a muscle up, come down and don't let go of rings, immediately do a tempo swing. Then go down to floor.)
If unable to do 1 Muscle Up do
10 rounds
3 Weighted or Strict Pull Ups
3 Strict Ring Dips
10 Low Ring Muscle Up Transitions
Cardio and Endurance Focus
3 Rounds
20 Cal Row
20 Cal Ski Erg
20 Cal Bike
75 Double Unders