Another month of huge PR's is in the books! Here are the PR's and achievements from the month of June:
-Adam G - First Muscle Up
-Matt D - 192# Press, 7:48 DT
-Jen B - First GHD Sit-Up
-Gabriel - First Muscle Up
-Dan A - 155# Power Snatch, 215# Clean and Jerk
-Cathy P - 25# Kettlebell Swings
-Joanna - 170# Deadlift
-Grace C - 160# Squat Clean, 110# Snatch, 140# Clean and Jerk, 120# Overhead Squat
-Ali P - 4:25 Grace(30#, :30 PR)
- Mary S - 232 Grace
-Lindsey - 5:49 Grace
- Lilly - 85# Overhead Squat
-Jon R - 1 Muscle Up
-Elizabeth D - Butterfly Pull-Ups
-Stephen F - 5:29 DT, 425# Deadlift
-Beth B - 3 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
-Mat F - 11:32 Nancy
-Elliot - 190# Bench Press
-Casey A - Clean 335#
-Rachel B - First Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
-Ruben - 2 Muscle Ups