Wednesday, May 23 2018
Work up to 4 heavy deadlift singles*
*The main reason for doing all of those no bounce deadlifts was to develop the understanding and ability for the initial leg drive that extends the knees back out of the way and gets the bar moving. If this isn’t happening in your heavy singles today, work down. Just like the oly work yesterday, you may go really heavy if the form allows. Do not revert back to old habits to pull a new 1RM.
Max Unbroken Sets of 5 C2B Pull Ups
*If unable to get 5 unbroken chest to bar pull-ups, do sets of 2
**If unable to do chest to bar pull-ups, do chin over bar pull ups with the same scaling.
If unable to do a chin over bar pull up complete:
5 x 2 Negatives
then 30 challenging Ring Rows