Monday, January 29 2018

Strength Focus
Sumo Deadlift
1 Rep Max

Banded Pull Throughs
5 x 15

Rower V-Ups
4 x 10

Gymnastics Focus
Pistols (15/side, 10, 5)
GHD Sit Ups

Crash B's Focus
3 x 7 Minute Row - Rest 3-7 Minutes inbetween each set.
No restind during the 7 minute sets, it is continious 7 minutes at the specified stroke rates.

Set 1:
4 Minutes @ 20 Strokes/Minute
2 Minutes @ 22
1 Minute @ 24
*Not max effort each set, focus on correct technique and form

Set 2:
3 Minutes @ 22
2 Minutes @ 24
2 Minutes @ 26
Try to produce more power with your strokes during set 2. Keep form and technique.

Set 3:
3 Minutes @ 24
2 Minutes @ 26
1 Minute @ 28
1 Minute @ 30
**This set is at max effort for those stroke rates.

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