Monday 020617

Todays Suggestion: Pick 1 or 2

CrossFit Opens Focus
With a 15 minute running clock, working two minutes, then resting one minute:
Climb the ladder
3 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
3 Calorie row
6 Wall Balls
6 Calorie row
9 Wall Balls
9 Calorie row
And so on…
Continue where you left off after each rest period

Gymnastics Focus
AMRAP 2 minutes x5
15 Thrusters 95/65lbs
Max distance HS walk in remaining time
Rest 1 minute

Crash B's Focus
This weekend is it! 
5 x 500 M  Row - 3 Minute Rest between rowing effort
*Row at your desired 2k 500m Pace


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