Tuesday 011017
Todays Recommendation: Power Clean + Pick 1 you need most
Strength Focus
Power Clean
EMOM 5 minutes
5 Touch and go power clean
Start in the neighborhood of 70% of your power clean max and work up if you can.
Metcon Focus
EMOM 10 minutes
Even: 10 Push jerk 185/125lbs
Odd: Run 200m
Cardio and Endurance Focus
6 Rounds
30 Calorie row
Rest 1 minute
Gymnastics Focus
With a partner
EMOM 20 minutes
Even: Partner 1 – Max set of unbroken muscle-ups
Odd: Partner 2 – Max set of unbroken muscle-ups
10 sets each, alternating.
*If you are unable to do a muscle up do this instead:
Odd: Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups - if unable to do C2B, use a band to be able to do C2B.
Even: Strict Ring Dips
*Pick a number for both
4 Muscle Up Transitions