Friday 091616

Compare to 080516

Warm Up
3×10 Light RDL
4 Rounds
10 Cal on AAB
10 Kipping CTB Pull Ups

Pause Low Hang Squat Clean and Jerk
4×1 @90-100%
If it feels good go for a small PR, then move on. If not stay around 90-95%

Clean and Jerk
10×1 @75-85% of weight you worked up to from the low hang.
Be smooth and technical on these 10 reps. Save the big weight for next week.

Metcon Retest
For Time
Row 750m
50 Wallballs (20/14)
25 Power Cleans (135/95)

Accessory Retest
For Time
50 Alternating Pistols

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