Monday 050216
Warm Up
4 Rounds
25 Calorie Bike
12 Hip Extensions
1 x 5 @ 90% - Try to add 5-10 lbs from your week 2 weight. - If you couldn't add weight in week 2, find a new 5 RM today
With Class
21 DB Thrusters 45/35
200 M Run
18 DB Thrusters
200 M Run
15 DB Thrusters
200 M Run
12 DB Thrsuters
For Time
Muscle Ups
400 M Run after each round
*Scale numbers to 5-4-3-2-1, or 2-2-2-2-2 or 1-1-1-1-1
If you don't have Muscle Ups scale to Transitions with feet on box