Nutrition 101
Nutrition is the foundation of our health and fitness.
by Coach Mat
If there’s one thing we know, it’s how to get the best results in the most efficient amount of time and effort. And we can guarantee you get results when you follow our plan. It’s the same plan that helped me burn fat, build muscle (and confidence), get healthy, and lose over 100 lbs.
Lots of programs promise results and you never get them. You can workout really hard, for a long time and not get the results you want. The key to your success, and results, is what you eat and drink in the 23 other hours of your day.
Nutrition does not have to be complicated or dreadful. We’ve tried those kind of diets and know how miserable they can be.
In fact, the more complicated the system, the less likely you are to follow it. Especially if you’re also beginning a new workout routine.
When you’re starting to commit yourself to your workouts, you may be waking up or going to sleep earlier; restructuring your lifestyle. The last thing you need is some complicated diet.
Put your energy into a few simple and easy-to-do areas and follow the easiest nutrition plan that will get you the best results.
Here’s what to do:
Eat meat, vegetables, some nuts and seeds, some fruit, a little starch and no added sugar.
That’s it.
Commit to 30 days. Better yet, commit to this week. If it seems like too much, commit to some part of it. Remove the added sugar in your coffee, skip the soda at lunch, or chocolate after dinner.
If you want to look better, feel amazing, perform better, or get healthier than you are now, this is a simple, easy to do plan that you should start doing, today.
No special meals from the frozen food section. No food scales or measuring cups. No special mail order foods. No cutting out specific food groups. (Yes, you can have carbs!)
If the food you’re eating fits into those categories, you’re following the plan.
There’s no restriction about amounts except on the amount of nuts, fruit, and starchier foods. Eat as many vegetables as you want, have meat (or a protein source) at every meal, and mix in the other foods throughout the day. If a food has added sugar in it, don’t eat it or minimize how much you have.
Click here for examples of foods that fall into each category and the amount recommendations!
It is that simple and yes, we guarantee you’ll get results if you follow it. The most important part is your compliance. Follow it and you’ll love the results.
Instead of complicating your life with some advanced nutrition plan, or giving you a workout that’ll take hours in the gym, follow our advice.
We’re not trying to sabotage you and make you gain weight. It’s within our best interests to see you succeed! When you walk around lean, fit, toned, and happy and tell someone that you do CrossFit, it’s a win-win-win for everyone involved.
Just like the workouts you do, let us tell you the plan. All you have to do is show up. Well, with a nutrition plan, just eat what we tell you.
Of course there are other plans that we work with our athletes on (yup, you’re an athlete when you’re training here!) like Macros or If It Fits Your Macros, Paleo, Whole 30, and RP Strength. If you want to get more specific on those dietary paths, we’d be happy to assist you. Click here and contact us!
If you’re not sure about a certain food or have a question, contact us and if you want some accountability, we can work with you one on one, just email us!