Halloween Success Guide
Halloween can be a blast. But it doesn't have to blast your healthy nutrition plan away.
We all know that the real temptation of halloween isn't the night of, it's the days before and mostly after when all the left over candy is everywhere.
And as many times as you've heard that a holiday doesn't need to be an excuse to go nuts, we know there can temptations everywhere. Use our recommendations to help you navigate the spooky candy laden waters and enjoy the month of October.
How many burpees is that mini milky way really worth?
1) Save the wrappers. Put all of the candy wrappers you eat into a see through jar. No matter where you eat it. When you throw away the wrapper you may forget that it even happened and continue to eat more. Out of sight, out of mind. A visual image of how much candy you've had could make a big difference and be an eye opener to how much sugar you're really eating.
2) Compare it to Exercise. How many calories are in the piece of candy you want to eat? What's the workout equivalent it would take to burn that amount of calories? 5 Mini Reeses is 220 calories. That's a 15 minute run. 2 Mini Butterfingers, 170 calories. That's close to 50 burpees.
3) Make a pact with a buddy. We're much more likely to let ourselves off the hook when no one else is counting on us. But if you feel like you're letting someone else down, you're much more likely to stay committed. And you're not the only one who doesn't like having all the candy and temptations around. Ask a friend to do a halloween challenge with you. Schedule your workouts together from now until Halloween passes, or agree on how many pieces of candy you’ll eat, or what days you’ll allow yourself to indulge. To stay honest, look below to #2.
Demon Bites! Apple, almond slivers and jam or peanut butter.
4) Take pictures of all your food before you eat it and send it to your buddy. Being honest to yourself and committed to your agreement with your buddy, you're not going to send a picture of a huge bag of Reeses minis. Keep everything in perspective. Maybe you eat a few mini milky ways and you send the picture to your buddy. If that kept you from having the entire bag, then that's a win!
5) Eat a replica. Whatever the thing is that you like to eat at halloween, find something else that tastes like it that's healthier. Of course the taste of sugar is good, but also the texture of the food also may draw you to it. Want Mounds bars? Eat coconut and almonds. The coconut and almond crunch together gives you the same feeling. Reese's? Get real peanut butter and a piece of dark chocolate. Starburst? Get the food it tastes like, and some some that tastes like it. You'll savor the flavor longer.
6) Post your intentions and get family and friend support on Facebook, Instagram, a sign on your office fridge, anywhere! People love to help others. Allow someone to help you stay accountable. Be brave. Get yourself out there, make iit known that you're on a mission and ask for help staying accountable to it. If someone you asked to help you saw you in a trance and grabbing the Swedish Fish, they'd be there to help redirect you and pull you back! They'd also get to feel good about helping.
7) Forgive yourself. Having a piece of candy isn't the worst thing in the world. If you have a piece, enjoy it and then let it go. When you throw away the rapper you throw that moment away. There's no need to start self-loathing or shaming over Baby Ruth bars. The self induced stress placed on your body from thinking about that candy you eat and it's not healthy and you can't believe you had it, it wasn't worth it etc....is more unhealthy then eating the candy and not thinking twice about it.