Wednesday, October 24 2018
Skill Practice
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes
1) 2-5 Muscle-Ups with a Pause at bottom of dip after turnover and pause at full extension
(OR Low Ring Muscle Up Progression + Dip Catch & Extension x 3-4 reps)
2) 30' Handstand Walk
(use partner assist or Handstand Wall Climb Sideways Walks if you don’t have handstand walks yet)
3) L-Sit or N-sit or some varation hanging from pull-up bar or on paralettes where legs are raised up in front of you x 30-45 seconds
Strict Deficit Handtand Push Ups
Pick a deficit and Accumulate 20
*We will be doing this for the next few weeks, keep note of the deficit you are using!