Friday, September 8 2017
Strength Focus
Front Squat
4 x 4 @ 80% of 1 RM
Prowler Push
6 Lengths
No rest at turn around - heavy.
Rest as needed between sets.
Gymnastics Focus
4 Rounds
6-12 Strict Ring Dips @ 2111 (2 second lower, 1 second hold, 1 second press, 1 second hold)
L-Sit Hold 30 seconds (on paralettes)
3-5 Rounds
3 Ring Tempo Swings + 1 Muscle Up + 3 Ring Tempo Swings
Rest as needed between rounds
*If unable to do Ring Dips do GHD Dips
**If unable to do Muscle Ups but able to do chest to bar and ring dips, do 30 muscle up transitions - not for time
***If unable to do chest to bar pull ups do 6 x 3 Pull Up Negatives