Friday, September 29 2017

Strength Focus
Back Squat
5 x 3 @ 80-85%

Reverse Hyper
3 x 15
25-50% of your back squat

Gymnastics Focus
3-4 Muscle Ups
*If last week was easy to get all 3, add a rep.
*if unable to do a muscle up but can do 3 Chest to Bar Pull Ups & 3 Ring Dips already, do 3 Strict Kneeling Muscle Up Transitions
**if unable to do 3 chest to bar pull ups and 3 ring dips, each round, alternate between 3 strict pull ups and 3 dips
And afterwards do 3 sets:
10 Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls and 15 Tricep Band Pull Downs

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