Tuesday, September 12 2017

Strength Focus
Push Press
5 x 5 @70-80% of 1 RM

3 Rounds
10-20 Close Grip Push Ups
Rest :45
8 Dumbbell Rows per arm@ 3111 - Pull up in control (1), pause at the top of the pull (1), 3 second lower (3), pause at the bottom (1)
Rest: 45
:60 Nose to wall wall climb hold

Gymnastics Focus
8 Rounds
200 M Row
25' Handstand Walk
*If unable to HS Walk
Complete 10 total wall climb on wall with the star, walk sideways length the length of the wall left and right while in the wall climb position, a Wall

Cardio and Endurance Focus
3 total rounds of
3 Rounds
1:30 On
:30 seconds off
Rest 2 minutes after completing 3 rounds of 1:30, :30

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