Wednesday, August 2 2017
Strength Focus
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
2 Squat Cleans W/ Pause below knee
@60-80% of best Clean
*If you need to build your technique, stay on the lighter side, if you are feeling great, go up to 80%
5 sets
2 Hang Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats
@ 70-80%
Tempo Clean Deadlift
3 x 3
5 second Lift Up
1 Second Pause at the top
5 second Lower
- Focus on passing through the proper positions and staying tight.
- Let form dictate weight. Having proper control is essential.
Gymnastics Focus
5 Rounds
5 Strict Ring Pull Ups - Weighted if Possible
12 V-Ups
12 Weighted Hip Extensions