Tuesday 062717
Strength Focus
Jerk Balance
5 x 3
*This is not intended to be heavy, get your feet right!
Try to add 5-10# from last week. Can you keep your feet right?
Press -Same weights as last week
3 x 5 @ 70-80%
3 x 3 80-90%
1 x 10 @ 65-70%
3 Rounds - same weght as last week - Stick to the tempo!
10 Single Arm Seated Arnold Presses @2111 - 1 second press up, 1 second hold, 2 second lower, 1 second hold at bottom.
10 Barbell Rows @ 2111
Rest 90-120 sec.
8 Ring Rows with Pull Apart @ 2111
- Palms facing down, pull rings slightly apart as you pull up.
- 1 second pull up, pause 1 second, 2 second lower, pause 1 second.
Gymnastics Focus
5 sets
3-15 Ring Push Ups (same number every set)
3 sec Pull Up Lock Off hold
Hold @ Chin Above Bar, 50% down, and 90% down
- Hold yourself at the top, then lower and hold again, lower and hold again, done.
Endurance Focus
1 Mile Bike
Rest 1:1