Monday 042417
Strength Focus
Deadlift 4×4
The first three sets are warm-up sets between 60 and 75%. The final set is only working set at 82.5%. All percentages are based off of your 1RM.
4 Sets
8 Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs)
Rest 45 seconds
10 Stationary Lunges/Leg
Choose Your Style - This should be 10 moderate reps - you could do 15 - these 10 should be technique biased
1) No Load
2) 1 DB or KB Goblet Style
3) 2 DB's or KBs Suitcase Style
4) Front Rack
Rest 1:15
Gymnastics Focus
4 Rounds
10 Strict Toes to Bar or L-Sit Rasies (still strict)
:30 seconds Flutter Kicks while holding Med Ball - hold medball with straight arms forward over the top of your hips/belly button
12 Supermans
Rest as needed between sets and before beginning
4 Rounds
30 second side plank per side
15 Weighted AbMat Sit Ups - Hold a weight behind your head - recomended 5 lbs.
Cardio and Endurance
Every 3 Minutes for 15 Minutes
Run 400m