Wednesday 041217
Strength Focus
Jumping Lunges
4 x 6 - 3 per side
Stay in lunge position, jump EXPLOSIVELY and switch legs in the air. Land in a lunge on the other side. Regain balance. Wait for a 1 one thousand count, then repeat.
Don't continously jump and switch legs. Jump and switch. Land. Stop moving. Count. Then go again. Be explosive!
Squat Clean
5×3 Perfect reps only
Triples can be successfully done between 60 and 90%. If you need to clean up your technique do not exceed 70%.
Clean Pull
5 x 2 @ 90%
3 Rounds
12 GHD Hip Extensions
Rest :30
30 second side plank per side
Rest :30
Cardio and Endurance Focus
3 Rounds For Time:
Bike 1 Mile
20 GHD Sit Ups
Rest :90