Friday, November 3 2017

Strength Focus
Front Squat
3 x 3 @ 85-90%
Do multiple warm up sets to buid up and be fully read/warm for the heavy sets.

Walking Dumbbell Lunges
12 Steps - AHAP (As Heavy As Possible)

Gymnastics Focus
10 Rounds for TIme
4 unbroken muscle ups
If unable to do 4 unbroken, pick a challenging number you can do.
If unable to string 2, do 20 muscle ups for time.
If unable to do a muscle up, do
5 Rounds
3-5 Strict Chest to Bar Pull Ups (No bands on these, modify to strict pull ups)
3-5 Strict Ring Dips
then finish with
10 slow Kneeling Muscle Up transitions

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