Tuesday 011717
Brian fights through his bar muscle ups
Today's recommendations: Snatch and pick 1 other you need most.
Strength Focus
Every Other Minute for 10 minutes (5 rounds)
4 Touch and go power snatch
Start in the neighborhood of 75% of your power snatch max and work up if you can.
Metcon Focus
AMRAP 3 minutes x3
5 Deadlift (315/225lbs)
10 CTB pull-ups
15 Burpees to 6″ target
Rest 2 minutes between AMRAPs. Start over each AMRAP.
Cardio and Endurance Focus
3 Rounds
Row 1k
Rest 1:1
Gymnastics Focus
With a Partner
EMOM 16 minutes
Even: Partner 1 – 25 Wallballs 20/14lbs Partner 2 – 12 Toes to bar
Odd: Partner 1 – 12 Toes to bar Partner 2 – 25 Wallballs 20/14lbs