Tuesday 090616
Warm Up
3 Rounds
12 RDL's
12 Cal on Assault AirBike
12 Kipping Handstand Push Ups
Work up to ONE heavy set of 4 deadlifts – Same as we have done the past few weeks. Lift, control weight all the way to the floor, take your hands off the bar, put them back on and repeat
Warm up with light triples, moderate doubles, then heavy singles until your chosen weight for the set of 4. Use the same weight you used for the set of 3 last week.
Pause Low Hang Snatch
7×2 @80-90%
Drop, reset, and perform a perfect snatch DL between each rep.
Run 1.5 miles x 2
Rest 5-10 minutes
Pick 1...which needs more work
For Time
Assault Bike Calories
Thrusters (95/65)
Chest-to-Bar Pull Ups
Every :20 until failure
1 Strict Weighted Pull Up @ 100% 3RM.
Do not do more than 30 reps.