Saturday 100116
Warm Up
Slow 10 minute AMRAP
20 Hip extensions
200 M Light run
10 Kipping HSPU
200 M Light Run
10×1 @80-90%
Full snatch. Move up based on feel. Percentages based on test week max.
Back Squat
3×1 @85-90% 4×1 @90-95%
Our goal is to use the 3×1 to get ready for 4 reps at or above 90%. If you feel great, hit 2-3 reps closer to 95%, if not stay around 90%.
AMRAP 5 Minutes
7 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
7 Burpee Box Jumps (24"/20")
Pick one depending on your weakness...
4 Rounds
10 CTB Pull-ups
Run 400m
10 CTB Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes
15 Rounds
20 Calorie row
Rest 30 seconds