Wednesday 081016
In suggested order:
Warm Up
3×10 GHD sit-ups
3×10 Reverse hyper
3 Rounds
15 Assault Bike calories
15 Empty bar thrusters
Back Squat
4×4 @80%
Press Speed Work
3 reps @60% AFAP
No lean back upright bench pressing either, we’re looking for this to translate into the jerk.
"Feel The Berm"
4 Rounds
600 M Run
20 Burpee Box Jumps
Then, depending on your weaknesses, choose ONE of the following:
3 Rounds
75 Calorie row
Rest 3 minutes
6 Rounds
50ft. HS walk – at the end of 50ft stay in static hold as long as possible
Rest 2 minutes