Friday 052016
3 Slow rounds
15 Empty bar OHS
12 GHD sit-ups
9 Strict ring dips
Back squat 5×5 @70%
No belts, knee sleeves, or oly’s – Keep rest very short.
Solid technique, fast on the ascent.
Metcon If not doing Murph...
3 Rounds for Time
400 M Run
25 Push Ups
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
0:00-2:00 25 CTB pull-ups in sets of 5 unbroken
2:00-4:00 20 CTB pull-ups in sets of 5 unbroken
4:00-6:00 15 CTB pull-ups in sets of 5 unbroken
6:00-8:00 10 CTB pull-ups in sets of 5 unbroken
8:00-10:00 5 unbroken CTB pull-ups