Monday 101016
Columbus Day Schedule - Normal!
Warm Up
Crossover Symmetry Activation
3 Rounds
15 Toes to bar
15 Light push press
Clean and Jerk
10×1 @80-95%
Full squat clean and split jerk. Move up based on feel.
EMOM until failure
20/14 Assault Bike calories
All out every round, no pacing. 20 minute cap.
Then, depending on your weaknesses, choose One of the following:
3 Rounds
500 M Row
10 Clean and Jerk (165/110)
15 Laterall Bar Burpee
*If you select this, do it with class
AMRAP 20 minutes
Calorie row
CTB pull-ups
Rest 1 minute
Calorie row
Ring dips
Rest 1 minute
Snatch & OHS Skill
Overhead Squat:
1×3 – 10 second hold at the bottom (light)
1×3 – 5 second hold at the bottom (moderate)
3×3 AHAP
This is specifically for people who struggle with the bottom position/mobility of the OHS and snatch.