Tuesday 100416

Warm Up
Run 1 mile
8×3 Seated box jumps with same as last week. Be explosiuve.

6×3 @70-75% – Drop and reset each rep
Full squat snatch, of course. Work up based on feel.

Touch and Go Deadlift
3×5 at very moderate weight (Add 10/5lbs to last week)
We will continue to build slowly in weight throughout the next weeks. Start at 60%.

6 Rounds
5 Strict Handstand Push Ups
10 GHD Sit Ups
15 Box Jumps (24"/20")

4 Rounds
12/8 Assault Bike calories (SPRINT)
60ft Sled sprint (Light-Medium weight)
Rest 30 seconds
60ft Sled sprint (Light-Medium weight)
12/8 Assault Bike calories (SPRINT)
Rest 1 minute

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