Saturday 102916
Open Gym Accessory
Strength Focus
10×1 @80-100%+
Full snatch. Start at 80% and work up as heavy as possible. If you miss twice, go back down to 90% to finish your reps.
Back Squat
3×1 @85-90% 4×1 @90-97.5%
Our goal is to use the 3×1 to get ready for 4 reps at or above 90%. If you feel great, work up to 95%, if not stay around 90%.
*Do this before Metcon if possible.
Gymnastics Focus
Odd: 7-10 Toes to Bar
Even: 3-10 Ring Dips
Endurance Focus
2 Rounds
3/2 Mile Assault Bike
Rest 5 minutes