How to Squat
The squat is the most important exercise you’ll ever do.
A good squat can develop core strength, flexibility, a great looking body and we can keep going. The squat is that good of an exercise.
You squatted before you could walk. And the squats you did then were probably better than the ones you do now. The squat is a natural exercise that we UNLEARN over time, mostly thanks to our tendency to sit on chairs all day.
It’s also the exercise that will keep you out of the nursing home. The ability to sit and stand under your own power will allow independence when you’re old. It’s the best thing you can do for total-body bone density. It’s the most effective exercise for beating diabetes, or just picking up a grocery bag. It can fix your back, your butt and your attitude. Squatting might not cure world hunger, but in developing countries without couches, people squat for hours every day. They don’t have back problems or obesity, and their knees don’t hurt, either.
The squat is one of the first exercises we teach here at CrossFit City Line. Here's how to do it:
A proper squat provides a foundation for a fitness plan. Ready to learn more or even start getting results? Sign up for a FREE Consultation! Book yours with a City Line Coach now!